📅 February 18th 2025
⌚ 09:00 – 17:00 GMT+4
📌 Radisson Blu Hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island, United Arab Emirates
🗣️ Expert guest speakers from leading companies.
📝 There are limited seats, so fill out the form below to secure your spot!
可靠性和完好性峰会是 Cenosco 的一项活动,其主要议程包括有关行业发展和趋势的重要演讲、面向未来的技术以及知名演讲嘉宾的专业见解。
- 主要说明
- 行业发展与趋势
- 面向未来的技术
- 专家演讲嘉宾
- 深入了解可靠性战略图书馆
- 探索退化管理框架
If you’re a professional in the Oil and Gas or Chemical industries, the Reliability and Integrity Summit is an event you simply can’t miss. Here’s why you should join us in Abu Dhabi:
- 向专家学习:从处于各自领域前沿的行业领袖那里获得真知灼见。我们的演讲嘉宾来自顶级公司,拥有丰富的知识和经验。
- 探索新技术:探索最新进展和创新,保持领先地位。从面向未来的技术到新的可靠性战略,您将获得在自己的工作中实施的可行想法。
- 与行业专业人士建立联系:与志同道合的专业人士交流,拓展您的人际网络。本次峰会提供了一个建立关系、分享经验和合作寻找新机遇的绝佳平台。
- 参与深入讨论:参加有意义的讨论,深入探讨退化管理框架和可靠性战略等关键议题。这是您在协作环境中与专家和同行交流的机会。
- 保持竞争力:把握行业发展趋势。通过参加会议,您将获得宝贵的见解,帮助您在不断发展的行业中保持竞争力和领先地位。
Registration is now closed.
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Hanan Farhat 博士是一位拥有 25 年以上经验的腐蚀和材料工程专家。她是卡塔尔环境与能源研究所的高级研究主任,也是腐蚀中心的创始人。她是加拿大注册工程师(PEng),拥有萨斯喀彻温大学的博士学位和理学硕士学位,她创建了卡塔尔女工程师协会和中东和北非女工程师协会,并获得了包括杰出女工程师贡献奖在内的多个奖项。

Marko Verdes
Global expert in Asset Integrity and Reliability Management
Marko Verdes is a globally recognized expert in the petrochemical industry with 30+ years of experience in asset integrity and reliability. A pioneer in Asset Integrity Management Systems (IMS), he has led global initiatives, optimized frameworks, and integrated IMS with systems like SAP. With expertise in inspections, audits, and corrosion management, he is a trusted advisor known for technical excellence.

Paul van de Pas
Inspection and integrity specialist
Paul van de Pas is a inspection and integrity specialist with over 20 years of experience in the energy and marine sectors. He has a track record in implementing risk-based inspection systems, ensuring compliance with statutory regulations and managing quality assurance in an internal inspection body. Paul brings expertise in plant integrity, pressure vessel inspection and project coordination.

Ali Akesh
of Inspection and Integrity Manager at Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery
Ali holds the position of Inspection and Integrity Manager at Saudi Aramco Jubail Refinery (SASREF), bringing with him 17 years of experience in Inspection and Static Equipment. He has previously worked as a Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) Engineer and played a pivotal role in leading an asset integrity transformation project. Additionally, he has led various optimization processes aimed at enhancing safety and operational availability

Omar El Sinnary
Manager, Engineering Services
Omar El Sinnary is the Manager of Inspection & Corrosion at ADNOC Gas, with 33 years of experience in both upstream and downstream Oil & Gas sectors. He specializes in Material Selection, Asset Integrity Management, Corrosion Management, and Risk-Based Inspection. A certified AI and ML leader, El Sinnary champions digital tech, using innovations like Robotic Inspection, Digital Twin, and corrosion prediction ML applications for enhanced efficiency and safety.

Ahmed AlGoburi
Senior Integrity Engineer\Terminals & Pipelines
With over 25 years of experience in oil and gas and power sector, a metallurgist who is pursuing a PhD in erosion corrosion for HVOF coating. Has a master’s degree in material science and engineering\Corrosion. A researcher who focuses on Erosion Corrosion, Cavitation, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Top Of Line Corrosion. An integrity specialist who has expertise in asset management, quality, environment, and process safety management systems.

Arvin Singh 是一位在数字资产生命周期管理领域拥有 25 年以上经验的执行领导者。他领导过技术、创新和交付团队,拥有工程和运营准备方面的专业知识。Arvin 曾担任资产管理主管等重要职务,推动提高效率和资产性能的计划。他专注于数字化转型,创建可持续的解决方案,使业务目标与战略目标保持一致。

Venkat S
Venkat 是 ImageGrafix Software Solutions Pvt Ltd 的业务开发总监,在工业流程设计、规范工程、业务开发、CAD 和项目管理方面拥有数十年的专业知识。他以战略领导力和解决问题的能力著称,擅长管理风险和资源,成功交付复杂的项目。Venkat 敏锐的商业头脑,加上他的同情心、同理心和职业道德,使他能够建立合作关系,推动全球业务取得显著成果。

Sherin Ashraf
Senior Industry Consultant at Hexagon
Sherin Ashraf, Senior Industry Consultant at Hexagon ALI, UAE, has 14+ years of experience in digital transformation and asset information management. She specializes in optimizing operational efficiency across the asset lifecycle. Previously, she worked in a leading national oil and gas company and is now pursuing a doctorate on agile, data-driven projects in the UAE’s oil and gas sector.

Sridhar Mekala
Pre-Sales Director at Hexagon
Sridhar Mekala, Head of Pre-Sales Middle East, is a digital transformation expert with 16+ years of experience in Business Analysis, Information Management, and Solution Architecture. He has worked with Natural Resources clients across MEA, delivering tailored digital solutions that optimize processes and drive growth. Known for his strategic vision, Sridhar is a trusted advisor in the sector.

Anupam Acharya
Sr. BD Manager
Anupam is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from IIT Madras and a Management postgrad from ISB Hyderabad. With rich experience in commissioning and Reliability Centered Maintenance, he previously led Digital Transformation and Value Engineering programs at Hexagon for Oil & Gas multinationals. He now manages Business Development for Technip Energies’ Asset Lifecycle portfolio, focusing on value-driven digital transformations in Asset Lifecycle and Smart Maintenance.

高级机械工程师和工商管理硕士,在机械完整性、检验、测试和维护领域拥有 20 多年的国际经验,目前正利用尖端技术帮助拥有高风险资产的公司管理和优化其维护、检验和测试计划。

Omar 是 Cenosco 的合伙人兼联盟总监。他是一名高级材料工程师,在全球石油和天然气领域拥有超过 25 年的在役检查和资产完整性管理经验。
他是多种方法的无损检测三级专家,也是美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)无损检测分会 E07 和美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)/NACE 委员会腐蚀分会 J01 的活跃成员。