

Discover the Power of Reliability-Centered Maintenance

We held a live webinar on January 21st, and made your maintenance processes a competitive advantage by discovering the power of IMS RCM. Fill out the form below to watch the recording.

16 January '25


在当今快节奏和高度竞争的工业环境中,确保资产的可靠性比以往任何时候都更为重要。停机、意外故障和不断攀升的维护成本会严重影响生产率、盈利能力和安全性。这就是为什么领先的企业会采用 以可靠性为中心的维护(RCM)来简化维护策略、延长资产寿命并推动卓越运营。


本次 "发现以可靠性为中心的维护的力量"网络研讨会专为致力于提高运营绩效和确保资产使用寿命的专业人士设计。它对寻求优化检查计划和减少反应性维护的维护和检查工程师、旨在实施 RCM 战略的可靠性经理、专注于维护关键基础设施安全和性能的资产完整性专业人员,以及寻求使维护流程与更广泛的组织目标保持一致的运营领导者尤其有价值。

Why should you have attended?

Watch the recording to gain expert knowledge and practical tools that can impact your operations.

  • 提高资产可靠性:探索行之有效的方法,以减少计划外停机时间、优化成本并提高运营安全性。
  • Engage with Industry Expert: Watch Harry van Teijlingen, a seasoned expert in RCM, and our host, Elsa Tolsma-de Klerk, technical writer team lead – in this session and gain answers to your most pressing questions.
  • 保持领先: 学习最前沿的维护策略,让您的组织在当今的工业环境中保持竞争力。


This comprehensive ”Discover the Power of Reliability-Centered Maintenance” webinar covered all you need to know about RCM, including:

  • RCM 的核心原则:了解以可靠性为中心的维护的基本原理和益处。
  • IMS RCM 在行动:了解 IMS 如何实现 RCM 战略,以提高效率并减少意外故障。
  • 专家问答:通过互动环节解决您的问题。


日期2025 年 1 月 21 日星期二2025年1月21日,星期二
⌚ 时间欧洲中部时间16:30 - 17:20,中部时间8:30 - 9:20





Harry 是以可靠性为中心的维护 (RCM) 方面的杰出专家,在检查和维护方面拥有多年的丰富经验。

在壳牌公司任职期间,他磨练了自己的技能和专业知识,并在该领域做出了重大贡献。目前,Harry 在 Cenosco 担任以可靠性为中心的维护领域高级专家,他将继续利用自己的深厚知识和实用见解,加强维护战略,优化运营可靠性。

elsa tolsma-de klerk

Elsa Tolsma-de Klerk

Host – Technical Writer Team Lead

Elsa is an engineer with a passion for integrating knowledge. She holds a master’s degree in Electronic Engineering and gained over 10 years of industry experience at Sasol, an international petrochemical company, where she started as an Advanced Process Control Engineer and discovered her interest in writing operating philosophies. For nearly six years, she has been a Technical Writer at Cenosco, managing Product Knowledge Management, including the online knowledge base and Academy.


Fill out the form and access the webinar recording.