The Need
Operating four oil refineries, with a total annual crude-oil processing capacity of approximately 30 million tons, Tüpraş is a leading producer in Turkey’s refining sector and the country’s largest industrial enterprise.
Tüpraş manages its safety instrumented functions using SIFpro and supports its operations with reliable, high-performing safety software that works for each site, as well as making risk performance accessible company-wide with one interface for all refineries.
The Assignment
As a multi-faceted and comprehensive program, SIFpro enables Tüpraş to review and analyze more than just SIFs.
From instrument failure rates and maintenance Task Interval Optimization to LOPAs and SILs.
“Cenosco’s program is robust and easy to use.
It eliminates daily problems and gives us peace
of mind.”
Doğuş Uzun
Process Control Superintendent at Tüpraş İzmir Refinery
The Approach
Throughout the collaboration between Tüpraş and Cenosco, the teams have worked together to create valuable feedback –upgrade cycle.
This ensures that the software always meets Tüpraş’s needs as well as complying with all international standards, including IEC 61508/61511.
The Result
The SIFpro software shows users all the key information they need on a single dashboard and provides clear links between process safety and reliability issues.
Moreover, the latest versions of SIFpro are hosted on a central server, avoiding any delays in downloading or uploading information.
Tüpraş has been using SIFpro for more than a decade.
“Cenosco listens to our feedback and understands our concerns. Safety processes are paramount, but better safety is closely linked to maintenance cost optimization, reduced downtime, and other efficiencies. Over the years, we’ve provided a lot of feedback on the different features of the program and on the overall dashboard, and with every upgrade we can see how it has all been taken into account. SIFpro is constantly being improved, so, even if our processes change, we know we can rely on the software. SIFpro has long been essential to our daily operations at Tüpraş. That’s a big advantage in our eyes!“
Doğuş Uzun
Process Control Superintendent at Tüpraş İzmir Refinery
The Future
The teams at Tüpraş and Cenosco are planning to grow their partnership, with more upgrades in the pipeline.
The overall goal is to increase the visibility of the intricate relationships between safety processes and equipment maintenance and reliability.
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